Discover 50 Remarkable Flowers Name in Kashmiri & English

Hey flower lovers! Did you know flowers have different names in different places and languages? They also have unique names in the Kashmiri language. The Kashmiri language is spoken by around 7.87 million people in Kashmir and another 1 million worldwide.

flowers name in kashmiri


Flowers names in Kashmiri language have names that reflect the beauty of the region. The Himalayan poppy with blue petals called “zabak”. It is a rare sight in the mountains. The saffron flower is known as “Kong Posh”. It spreads its purple color over the fields during autumn. Each name of flower signifies the natural beauty and deep connection people have with Kashmir. Now let’s explore 50 flowers name in Kashmiri and English. 

Flowers Name in Kashmiri Language

If you are looking for 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 flowers name in Kashmiri with pronunciation, this post is for you. Let’s start! 

No.Flowers ImagesEnglish NamesKashmiri Name
1RoseRoseگلاب (Gulab)
2Jasmine Jasmineچنینی (Chanini)
3Lotus Lotusپمپس (Pamposh)
4daisy Daisyسونزال (Sonzal)
5SunflowerSunflowerسورج مکھی (Suraj Makh)
6HollyhockHollyhockکاشا کوال (Kasha Kowal)
7Stramonium Stramoniumچروپوس (Charuposh)
8Scarlet MilkweedScarlet Milkweedمونگولی پُش (Mongli Posh)
9ShameplantShameplantشرم گیند (Sharam Gind)
10Jasminum Sambac Jasminum Sambacچنینی بلبل (Chanini Balbal)
11White Frangipani White Frangipaniچینی گُلاب (Cheeni Gulab)
12Lady’s slipper orchid Lady’s slipper orchidپاڈُنی ہند اۄفچڈ (Paadni Hund Orchid)
13Lavender Lavenderلیونڈر (Lavender)
14Murraya Murrayaکنڈے پُش (Kanday Posh)
15Prickly PearPrickly Pearکیڑی تروتھ پُش (Keeri Taruth Posh)
16magnoliaMagnoliaماگنولیا (Magnolia)
17Peacock Flower Peacock Flowerمور پُش (Mor Posh)
18Yellow Marigold Yellow Marigoldزردی مارگولڈ (Zardi Marigold)
19Yellow OleanderYellow Oleanderسونپھول (Sonphul)
20Periwinkle Periwinkleگَندھِرگن (Gandhigan)
21Pot Marigold Pot Marigoldپوت مارگولڈ (Pot Marigold)
22Balsam Balsamکاشیپ ہند پُش (Kaship Hund Posh)
23Poppy Flower Poppy Flowerگُلِ لال (Gul-e-Laal)
24PandanusPandanusکیور (Kewra)
25Butterfly PeaButterfly Peaبٹر فلائی پی (Butter Fly Pe)
26Puncture Vine Puncture Vineگُجار (Gujar)
27Blue Water Lily Blue Water Lilyبلیو واٹر لیلی (Blue Water Lily)
28Cobra SaffronCobra Saffronزعفران (Zafran)
29Narcissus Narcissusنرگس (Nargis)
30Star Jasmine Star Jasmineتارو چنینی (Taro Chanini)
31Tulip Tulipللہ پُش (Lala Posh)
32Golden Shower Golden Showerسنہری شاور (Sunehri Shower)
33DahliaDahliaڈالیہ (Dahlia)
34Delonix Regia Delonix Regiaگل مور (Gul-e-Mor)
35Night Blooming JasmineNight Flowering Jasmineرات گیند (Raat Gind)
36ChandramallikaChrysanthemumنوش بو (Nosh Boo)
37CreeperCreeperرینگن (Reengan)
38Chamomile Chamomileبابونا (Babuna)
39Crape JasmineCrape Jasmineقریبی چنینی (Qareebi Chanini)
40Crossandra Crossandraکراسندرا (Crossandra)
41Grand Crinum Lily Grand Crinum Lilyبوزُر سوسن (Bozor Sosan)
42Forest Ghost Forest Ghostدیو دان (Dewdan)
43Black Turmeric Black Turmericکالا ہلدی (Kala Haldi)
44Foxtail Orchid Foxtail Orchidدم دار اۄفچڈ (Damdar Orchid)
45Sweet Violet Sweet Violetشیرین بنفش (Shirin Banafsh)
46HibiscusHibiscusکنڈی پُش (Kanday Posh)
47Night Flowering Jasmine Night Flowering Jasmineرات گیند (Raat Gind)
48Hiptage Hiptageہپٹاج (Haptaj)
49FlaxFlaxسِندھی (Sindhi)
50Aloe Vera Flower Aloe Vera Flowerگوارپٹھا ہند پھُل (Gawarpetha Hund Phul)

Facts of Kashmir

Here are five interesting facts about Kashmir:

  1. There are over 1,000 flower species in Kashmir including the rare Kashmiri orchid.
  2. The Kashmir Valley is famous for its stunning tulip gardens.
  3. The famous Mughal gardens in Kashmir like the Shalimar Bagh were built by Mughal rulers in the 16th-17th centuries.
  4. Kehwa is a special Kashmiri tea made with green tea, spices and almonds.
  5. Kashmiri language is a mix of other languages like Persian, Sanskrit and Tibetan.

Learning about Kashmiri flowers helps us understand and appreciate the language and culture of Kashmir.


We just learned 50 kashmiri flower names with pictures. Each one has a special name like “پمپس (Pamposh)” for Lotus and “چنینی (Chanini)” for Jasmine. Kashmir is a great place to learn about different cultures and see pretty flowers. Next time you see a flower, say hi and ask what its Kashmiri name is. Who knows? You might learn a new name.

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Q1: Which city is called the “Land of Flowers”?
A1: The city known as the “Land of Flowers” is Srinagar.

Q2: Which flower is famous in Kashmir?
A2: The Tulip is particularly famous in Kashmir, especially during the Tulip Festival held annually in Srinagar.

Q3: What is the Kashmiri name of Rose?
A3: The Kashmiri name for Rose is Gulab.

Q4: What is the national flower of Kashmir?
A4: The national flower of Kashmir is the Lotus (Kashmiri name: Kamal).

Q5: What is the Kashmiri name of Lotus flower?
A5: The Kashmiri name for Lotus is Kamal.

Q6: Which is called the Valley of Flowers in Kashmir?
A6: The area known as the Valley of Flowers in Kashmir is Pahalgam.

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