Flowers Name in Gujarati & English (50 ફૂલોનું નામ) – Find Your Favorites

Hey flower enthusiast! Flowers are important because they bring beauty and meanings in our life. As you know, there are many beautiful flowers in the world. And there are many languages in the world also. But the thing is that every flower has a different name in each language. And when you learn about flowers name in Gujarati (ફૂલોનું ગુજરાતીમાં નામ), you will find some unique names like ગુલાબ(gulab – rose), મોગરો(mogro – jasmine), ટગર(tagar – crape jasmine) and ચંપો (champo – magnolia). Some Gujarati flowers names (ગુજરાતી ફૂલોના નામ) are funny  when you read or listen them such as champo and tagar, right?

In Gujarat, Gujarati language is spoken by millions of people and flowers are really important in their culture. Gujarati people use many flowers like કમળ(kamal – lotus), લિલી(lili – lily), માધવી(madhavi – coral jasmine) and સૂર્યમુખી(suryamukhi – sunflower)  in religious rituals, celebrations and for their home decorations. They use these flowers because they have special meanings in their festivals and everyday life. And guess what? in this guide, I’ll introduce you (ફૂલોના નામ ગુજરાતી અને અંગ્રેજીમાં) 50 flower names in Gujarati and English and a bit about the language too. 

flowers name in gujarati


The Indian state of Gujarat has most Gujarati speakers. But the interesting fact is that you can find Gujarati communities in other places like UK, USA and East Africa too. It is spoken by almost 60 million people worldwide. Isn’t interesting? It started around 12th century and is similar to Marathi and Sindhi language. I think learning (ગુજરાતી ફૂલોના નામ)Gujarati flower names helps you understand not just flowers but also the culture and language better. It’s a great way to know more about this language.

You have already seen some common flowers like ગુલાબ(rose) and કમળ(lotus) but there are many more to explore. So, to help you learn more these lovely flowers names, I have made a list of flowers name in Gujarati with pronunciations (ફૂલોના નામ ગુજરાતી અને અંગ્રેજીમાં) with pretty pictures to make it easy. Let’s learn together, shall we?

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Flowers Name in English and Gujarati

No.ImagesEnglish NamesGujarati Names (Pronunciation)
1RoseRoseગુલાબ (Gulab)
2Jasmine Jasmineચમેલી (Chomeli)
3Lotus Lotusકમળ (Komol)
4daisy Daisyડેઇઝી (Deiji)
5SunflowerSunflowerસૂરજમુખી (Surjomukhi)
6HollyhockHollyhockગુલખૈરા (Gulkhera)
7Stramonium Stramoniumસફેદ ધતુરા (Safed Dhatūra)
8Scarlet MilkweedScarlet Milkweedકાકટુન્ડી (Kakatundi)
9ShameplantShameplantછૂઇમૂઇ (Chhui mui)
10Jasminum Sambac Jasminum Sambacમોગરો (Mogoro)
11White Frangipani White Frangipaniચંપો (Chompo)
12Lady’s slipper orchid Lady’s slipper orchidઓર્કિડ ફૂલ (Orchid phool)
13Lavender Lavenderલેવંડર (Lavender)
14Murraya Murrayaકામિની (Kamini)
15Prickly PearPrickly Pearફિંદલા (Findla)
16magnoliaMagnoliaમેગ્નોલિયા (Meknolia)
17Peacock Flower Peacock Flowerમયૂરશિખા (Moyurshikha)
18Yellow Marigold Yellow Marigoldગલગોટો (Galgoto)
19Yellow OleanderYellow Oleanderપીળો કણેર (Pilo Kaner)
20Periwinkle Periwinkleસદાબહાર (Sadabahār)
21Pot Marigold Pot Marigoldગુલે આશરફી (Gule Asharfi)
22Balsam Balsamગુલમેહંદી (Gulmehandi)
23Poppy Flower Poppy Flowerખસખસ ફૂલ (Khas Khas phool)
24PandanusPandanusકેતકી (Ketoki)
25Butterfly PeaButterfly Peaગોકર્ણ (Gokorno)
26Puncture Vine Puncture Vineગોખરુ (Gokhru)
27Blue Water Lily Blue Water Lilyનીલોફર (Nilofar)
28Cobra SaffronCobra Saffronનાગચંપા (Nagchompa)
29Narcissus Narcissusનર્ગિસ (Norgis)
30Star Jasmine Star Jasmineકુંદા (Kunda)
31Tulip Tulipટ્યુલિપ (Tulip)
32Golden Shower Golden Showerઅમલતાસ (Amaltas)
33DahliaDahliaડેહલિયા (Dehliya)
34Delonix Regia Delonix Regiaગુલમોહર (Gulmohor)
35HibiscusHibiscusજાસુદ (Jasud)
36ChandramallikaChrysanthemumચંદ્રમુખી (Chandramukhi)
37Creeper Creeperલતા (Lata)
38Chamomile Chamomileબાબુના (Babuna)
39Crape JasmineCrape Jasmineબાબુના (Babuna)
40Crossandra Crossandraઅબોલી (Aboli)
41Grand Crinum Lily Grand Crinum Lilyક્રિનમ લિલી (Krinam Lili)
42Forest Ghost Forest Ghostજંગલી ભૂત (Jongli Bhut)
43Black Turmeric Black Turmericકાળી હળદર (Kali Halder)
44Foxtail Orchid Foxtail Orchidફોક્સટેલ ઓર્કિડ (Fokstail Orchid)
45Sweet Violet Sweet Violetવાયોલેટ (Violet)
46Night Blooming Jasmine Night Blooming Jasmineરાતરાણી (Ratrani)
47Night Flowering Jasmine Night Flowering Jasmineહરસિંગાર (Harsingar)
48Hiptage Hiptageহিপটেজ (Hiptage)
49FlaxFlaxઅળસી (Alsi)
50Aloe Vera FlowerAloe Vera Flowerકુમારીકા ફૂલ (Kumarika phool)

Final Thoughts

Flowers are very special in Gujarati culture. Knowing the names of flowers in Gujarati with pictures(ચિત્રો સાથે ગુજરાતીમાં ફૂલોના નામ) is a great way to explore both the beauty and Gujarati culture. By exploring names like rose(gulab) and lotus(kamal) you can see how important flowers are in Gujarati culture. I have carefully arranged this information to make it easy for you to understand and learn. I hope you find this guide helpful and informative whether you need flower names in Gujarati(ફૂલોના નામ ગુજરાતીમાં) for project or personal interest. I encourage you to learn something new and continue discovering the unique traditions related to flowers in Gujarat!

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Which flower is famous in Gujarat?
The famous flower in Gujarat is the ગુલાબ (Gulab) or Rose.

What are the 2 flora of Gujarat?
Two notable flora of Gujarat are the કરણજ (Karanj) tree and થોર (Thorn) bushes.

What plants are found in Gujarat?
Plants commonly found in Gujarat include બબૂલ (Babool), ખાકર (Khakar) and કાઠી (Kathi) trees.

What are the herbal plants in Gujarat?
Herbal plants in Gujarat include તુલસી (Tulsi), આદુ (Ginger) and વનતિલ (Vantila).

What is the culture of Gujarat?
Gujarat’s culture is rich in traditions, featuring colorful festivals, folk dances like Garba and a variety of delicious cuisines.

Which tree is rare in Gujarat?
The તેક્કો (Teak) tree is considered rare in Gujarat.

What grows in Gujarat?
Gujarat is known for growing crops like cotton, groundnuts and various fruits.

Which festival is famous in Gujarat?
Navratri is a famous festival in Gujarat, celebrated with vibrant dance and music.

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