50 Vibrant Flowers Name in Assamese & English (ফুলৰ নাম)

Hello friends! Imagine a language that has really fun flower names (ফুলৰ নাম) in it as compare to simple English names! It is Assamese language from the Assam in India. Forget the simple flowers name in English like rose, daisy, jasmine, marigold, tulip etc. That’s a bit boring right now. But don’t worry, Assamese language has changed these boring names to cool and unique names. Learn new flower names in Assamese language (ফুলৰ নাম অসমীয়াত) like nahar(নাহৰ), tagar(টাগাৰ), kopou(কপৌ) and mekhala(মেখলা) in this blog post. And trust me it will not bore you.

flowers name in assamese


Flowers in Assamese Language

Assamese is spoken by over 15 million people in the Indian Assam and some parts of Bhutan. It is Indo-Aryan language and its script is similar to Bengali but has a little twist in it. It is like a beautiful song that people in Assam sing every day! Speaking Assamese is not just about words, it’s about people share their culture and traditions. And in this interesting blog post, you will learn flowers name in Assamese and English (ফুলৰ নাম অসমীয়া আৰু ইংৰাজীত) and you might hear about beli(বেলী), jui(জুই), rudraja(ৰুদ্ৰাজা) and kamal(কমল). So be ready for it.

There are many languages in the world and Assamese is one of them that is fun to learn! One way to learn it is flowers names because people use many special flowers in their festivals and celebrations in Assam. Don’t worry I’ll give you example for it. During the harvest festival Bihu in Assam, people use nahar(cobra saffron) flower for its lovely smell.  It sounds like they are saying “nah” to boring flowers! What you think? 

Another popular Bihu flower is the tagar(crape jasmine). This flower might remind you of a cute baby tiger but it adds lots of colors to the celebration. Flowers are a big part in the Bihu festival where everyone dances, sings and eats delicious food. They make everything look colorful and cheerful. So next time you want to surprise your friends with something, why not use some (অসমীয়া ফুলৰ নাম) funny flower names in Assamese? They’ll definitely enjoy it!

Flowers Name in Assamese with Pronunciation


No.ImagesEnglish NamesAssamese Names
1RoseRoseগুলাপ ফুল (Gulāp Phul)
2Jasmine Jasmineজাতি (Jāti)
3Lotus Lotusকমল (Kamal)
4daisy Daisyগুলবাহৰ (Gulbahar)
5SunflowerSunflowerসূৰ্যমুখী (Sūryamukhī)
6HollyhockHollyhockহলিহক (Holihok)
7Stramonium Stramoniumষ্ট্ৰেমনিয়াম (Sṭrēmoniyām)
8Scarlet MilkweedScarlet Milkweedস্কাৰলেট মিল্কৱিড (Skāraleṭ Milkwiḍ)
9ShameplantShameplantচুঁই (Cūī)
10Jasminum Sambac Jasminum Sambacজাতি (Jāti)
11White Frangipani White Frangipaniকাঁচন ফুল (Kāñcan Phul)
12Lady’s slipper orchid Lady’s Slipper Orchidভটৌ ফুল (Bhoṭou Phul)
13Lavender Lavenderলেভেণ্ডাৰ (Leveṇḍār)
14Murraya Murrayaকমিনী (Kominī)
15Prickly PearPrickly Pearক’ব নোৱাৰা (Ko’ba Nuwārā)
16magnoliaMagnoliaমেগনোলিয়া (Mēgnōliyā)
17Peacock Flower Peacock Flowerময়ূৰ ফুল (Mayūr Phul)
18Yellow Marigold Marigoldসোণা গௌৰী ফুল (Sōṇā Gaurī Phul)
19Yellow OleanderYellow Oleanderকানের ফুল (Kāner Phul)
20Periwinkle Periwinkleবেতৰ জোতা (Bētār Jotā)
21Pot Marigold Pot Marigoldটগৰ ফুল (Togar Phul)
22Balsam Balsamফুলৰ হেনা (Phulār Henā)
23Poppy Flower Poppy Flowerপোস্ত ফুল (Pōstā Phul)
24PandanusPandanusকেটকী ফুল (Keṭakī Phul)
25Butterfly PeaButterfly Peaঅপৰাজিতা (Aparājitā)
26Puncture Vine Puncture Vineখদৰ বটি (Khadar Baṭī)
27Blue Water Lily Blue Water Lilyনীল কমল (Nīl Kamal)
28Cobra SaffronCobra Saffronকোব্ৰা কেশৰ (Kōbra Keśar)
29Narcissus Narcissusনাৰ্জেছ (Nārjes)
30Star Jasmine Star Jasmineজাতিৰ সদৃশ (Jātir Sadrish)
31Tulip Tulipটিউলিপ (Ṭiulip)
32Golden Shower Golden Showerঅমলতাছ (Amalātās)
33DahliaDahliaডাহলিয়া (Ḍāhliā)
34Delonix Regia Delonix Regiaকৃষ্ণচূড়া (Kriṣṇachūrā)
35Night Blooming Jasmine Night Blooming Jasmineৰাতি পৰে (Rāti Pare)
36ChandramallikaChrysanthemumচন্দৰ্মালিকা (Chandarmālikā)
37Creeper Creeperলতা (Latā)
38Chamomile Chamomileকেমোমিল (Kēmomil)
39Crape JasmineCrape Jasmineক্ৰেপ জেচমিন (Krep Jesmin)
40Crossandra Crossandraআবুল (Ābul)
41Grand Crinum Lily Grand Crinum Lilyগ্ৰেণ্ড ক্ৰিনাম লিলি (Grēṇḍ Krinām Lili)
42Forest Ghost Forest Ghostবনৰীয়া ফুল (Banariyā Phul)
43Black Turmeric Black Turmeric Flowerক’লা হলুদ (Kōlā Holud)
44Foxtail Orchid Foxtail Orchidফক্সটেইল অৰ্কিড (Phoksteil Arkid)
45Sweet Violet Sweet Violetভায়োলেট (Bhāiolet)
46HibiscusHibiscus জাপুন (Jāpun)
47Night Flowering Jasmine Lady of the Nightৰাতি পৰে (Rāti Pare)
48Hiptage Hiptageহিপটেজ (Hipṭēj)
49FlaxFlaxশণ (Saṇ)
50Aloe Vera Flower               Aloe Vera Flowerথিৰাট কুমাৰী (Thirāṭ Kumārī)


So there you have it—flowers in Assamese (অসমীয়া ফুলৰ নাম) which are not only beautiful but funny and interesting too. Hopefully, this guide of flower names in Assamese with pictures (ছবিৰ সৈতে অসমীয়াত ফুলৰ নাম) can teach you many new flower words and connect you with Assamese culture and people also. Next time you see these flowers or hear their names with your friends or family, you can impress them with your new knowledge! Who knew learning about flowers could be this much fun? I suggest you to learn Urdu flower names, these are interesting too!


Q: What are the famous flowers in Assam?
A: Kopou, Nahar and Juti are famous flowers in Assam. These flowers are well-loved for their beauty and significance.

Q: What are 10 common flower names?
A: Rose, Lily, Tulip, Daisy, Sunflower, Orchid, Marigold, Jasmine, Hibiscus, Poppy.

Q: What is the Assamese name of Jasmine?
A: Jasmine is called Jolpan in Assamese. It’s known for its lovely fragrance.

Q: What is the Assamese name for hibiscus?
A: Hibiscus is referred to as Joba.

Q: What is the name of sunflower in Assamese?
A: Sunflower is known as Sotomul. These bright flowers are easily recognizable.

Q: What is the Assamese name of the tulip flower?
A: Tulip is simply called Tulip(same) in Assamese, too!

Q: What is the name of pumpkin in Assamese?
A: Pumpkin is called Kumura. It’s commonly in many Assamese dishes.

Q: What is capsicum in Assamese?
A: Capsicum is known as Simla Mirch. It’s commonly used in various recipes for flavor.

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