Fruit Names in Hindi and English You Need to Know

Hello fruit lovers! So you want to learn some (फलों के नाम हिंदी में) fruit names in Hindi? That is great! We all know that fruits are delicious, right? But they are not only just tasty, but also most important part of our diets for their nutritional value. It is like a sweet candy (maybe some are sour) that nature give us. Many fruits we enjoy today are very popular all over India from सेब (seb) for apple to केला (kela) for banana. And in this guide, I have listed common to unique fruits name in Hindi and English (हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में फलों के नाम) both which give you a few insights of Hindi as well. Are you ready?

fruits name in Hindi and english

When it comes to tasty fruits(our favorites), India has a huge variety that many people love. First off, let’s start with some familiar fruits names you know. You already know the सेब (seb) is apple, right? Yup, it is a crunchy snack we all love. And केला (kela) is banana which is perfect for breakfast. Then there is आम (aam)—that’s mango which is the king of fruits as well as the national fruit of India. Seriously, if you haven’t eaten a ripe mango in summer, you are missing out. And let’s not forget संतरा (santra) which is orange. Its juice is perfect for our refreshment.

Now, keep going with me here! अंगूर (angoor) means grapes and if you asked me, it is great for snacking while watching your favorite show. What do you think? Then we have पपीता (papita) which is papaya and very good for digestion. Oh, and तरबूज (tarbooj) is watermelon; I think it is like a super hero for us in summer to save us from the heat. Last but not least, we have got स्ट्रॉबेरी (strawberry). You know, the little red ones that make everything look beautiful and also delicious in flavor.  So let’s explore these 50 fruits names in Hindi with pictures (फलों के नाम हिंदी में चित्रों सहित) and why it is beneficial to learn them and also some tips for proper pronunciation. Okay?

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List of 10 Fruit Names in Hindi

  1. Apple – सेब (seb)
  2. Banana – केला (kela)
  3. Mango – आम (aam)
  4. Orange – संतरा (santra)
  5. Grapes – अंगूर (angoor)
  6. Watermelon – तरबूज (tarbooj)
  7. Papaya – पपीता (papita)
  8. Strawberry – स्ट्रॉबेरी (strawberry)
  9. Pineapple – अनानास (ananas)
  10. Pomegranate – अनार (anaar)

List of Fruits Name in Hindi with Pictures

Now, let’s get to the fun part—the fruit names with pictures! Here’s a handy list for you. Next time you’re enjoying these yummy fruits, you can confidently use their Hindi names (फलों के नाम चित्रों सहित) and impress everyone around you.

No.Fruits PhotosFruit Names in English Fruit Names in Hindi
1Apricot Fruit ImageApricotखुबानी (Khobani)
2Cherry Fruit ImageCherryचेरी (Cherry)
3Sweet Granadilla PhotoGranadillaग्रानाडिला (Granadilla)
4Cantaloupe Melon ImageCantaloupe Melonखरबूजा (Kharbooja)
5Orange ImageOrangeसंतरा (Santara)
6Plum Fruit ImagePlumआलूबुखारा (Aalubukhara)
7Kiwifruit PhotoKiwiकीवी (Kiwi)
8Longan Fruit PhotoLonganलोंगन (Longan)
9Raspberry Fruit PhotoRaspberryरसभरी (Rasbhari)
10Durian PhotoDurianड्यूरियन (Durian)
11Grapes Fruit PhotoGrapesअंगूर (Angoor)
12Blackberry Fruit PictureBlackberryकाले जामुन (Kaale Jamun)
13Papaya Fruit PhotoPapayaपपीता (Papita)
14Lemon PictureLemonनींबू (Nimbu)
15Quince Fruit PhotoQuinceश्रीफल (Shreephal)
16Mangosteen PictureMangosteenमैंगोस्टीन (Mangosteen)
17Apple Fruit PhotoAppleसेब (Seb)
18Pear Fruit ImagePearनाशपाती (Nashpati)
19Cranberry ImageCranberryक्रैनबेरी (Krainaberee)
20Starfruit PhotoStarfruitकटाल फल (Katal Phal)
21Tamarind PhotoTamarindइमली (Imli)
22Jackfruit ImageJackfruitकटहल (Kathal)
23Pomegranate Fruit PhotoPomegranateअनार (Anar)
24Nectarine Fruit PhotoNectarineअमृत फल (Amrt Phal)
25Soursop Fruit ImageSoursopशरीफा (Sharifa)
Blackcurrant Fruit
Blackcurrantकाले अंगूर (Kaale Angoor)
27Persimmon Fruit PicturePersimmonतौकु (Tauk)
28Fig Fruit PhotoFigअंजीर (Anjeer)
29Mango Fruit PictureMangoआम (Aam)
30Lychee ImageLycheeलीची (Lychee)
31Amla Fruit PhotoAmlaआंवला (Amla)
32Rose Apple Fruit PhotoRose Appleगुलाबी सेब (Gulaabee Seb)
33Mandarin Orange PhotoMandarinसंतरे की किस्म (Santre ki Kism)
34Pineapple FruitPineappleअनानास (Ananas)
35Mulberry PictureMulberryतुम्बा (Tumba)
36Grapefruit PhotoGrapefruitचकोतरा (Chakotara)
37Tangerine Fruit PictureTangerineकिन्‍नू (Kinnu)
38Coconut PhotoCoconutनारियल (Nariyal)
39Avocado Fruit PictureAvocadoमक्खन फल (Makkhan Phal)
Passionfruit Image
Passionfruitकृष्णकमल फल (Krshnakamal Phal)
41Pomelo Fruit PicturePomeloचकोतरा (Chakotra)
42The Banana FruitBananaकेला (Kela)
43Guava Fruit ImageGuavaअमरूद (Amrood)
44Star Apple Fruit PicStar Appleतारा सेब (Tara Seb)
45Tamarillo Fruit PhotoTamarilloतमरीलो (Tamarillo)
Banana passionfruit Photo
Curubaकुरुबा (Kuruba)
47Peruvian Groundcherry PhotoPeruvian Groundcherryपेरू का गुच्‍छा (Peru ka Guchha)
Watermelon Fruit Image
Watermelonतरबूज (Tarbooj)
49Peach Fruit PhotoPeachआड़ू (Aadu)
50Blueberries PhotoBlueberryनीलबदरी (Neelabadaree)
51Lime Fruit PictureLimeकागजी नींबू (Kaagzi Nimbu)
Strawberry Pictures
Strawberryस्ट्रॉबेरी (Strawberry)
Melon Fruit Photo
Melonखरबूजा (Kharbooza)
54Rambutan Fruit PicRambutanरामबुतान (Rambutan)
55Dragon Fruit PhotoDragon Fruitड्रैगन फल (Dragon Phal)

See, nothing crazy. Now you can casually use these names into conversations. “Oh, I’d love some अनार right now…” – that’s pomegranate by the way!

Why Learning Hindi Fruit Names is Valuable

Okay, you might be thinking, why do I even need to know (phalon ke naam) English fruits name in Hindi? Great question. Well, first of all, they are delicious. And second, they have many health benefits. For example, did you know that apples (सेब) are great for keeping the doctors away? Bananas (केला) give you energy and perfect for when you’re feeling lazy. Mangoes (आम) are full of vitamins and taste like sunshine. And the yummy oranges(संतरा), they work like superhero for our immune system. Who knew fruit could be so amazing, huh?

But seriously, if you ever find yourself in an Indian market or just chatting with your friends, these words could be a lifesaver. Instead of pointing awkwardly at the mangoes like a tourist, you can confidently say आम (Aam), and boom – you have got yourself a juiciest mango. And trust me, people love it when you try speaking their language even if it is just one word.

Fruits in Hindi with Scientific Names

No.Hindi Fruits NameEnglish Fruit NamesScientific Name
1सेबAppleMalus domestica
2केलाBananaMusa acuminata
3संतराOrangeCitrus sinensis
4अंगूरGrapeVitis vinifera
5आमMangoMangifera indica
6अनारPomegranatePunica granatum
7चीकूSapodillaManilkara zapota
8पपीताPapayaCarica papaya
9नींबूLemonCitrus limon
10खजूरDatePhoenix dactylifera
11तरबूजWatermelonCitrullus lanatus
12किवीKiwiActinidia deliciosa
13नारियलCoconutCocos nucifera
14अनानासPineappleAnanas comosus
15जामुनBlack PlumSyzygium cumini
16स्ट्रॉबेरीStrawberryFragaria × ananassa
17बुक्कलGuavaPsidium guajava
18तीतरMulberryMorus alba
19लिचीLycheeLitchi chinensis
20खुबानीApricotPrunus armeniaca
21बेरJujubeZiziphus jujuba
22कटहलJackfruitArtocarpus heterophyllus
23फल्लीCherryPrunus avium
24कुमरPersimmonDiospyros virginiana
25हरी मिर्चBell PepperCapsicum annuum
26रसभरीGooseberryPhyllanthus emblica
27खुरमानीApricotPrunus armeniaca
28ताज़ाFresh DatesPhoenix dactylifera
29नाशपातीPearPyrus communis
30अमरूदGuavaPsidium guajava

Why Pronunciation of Fruits in Hindi Matters

Fruits name in Hindi pronunciation (फल हिंदी में) is not as difficult as it looks. Each word sounds exactly how it is spelled, so just say each letter slowly and clearly. But now the question is, why should you care about how to pronounce these names? Well the answer is simple, it makes you sound more confident and connects you with local culture. Plus, when you say it right, people will appreciate your effort, and who doesn’t love a compliment, huh?

Let’s start with basic (फलों के नाम हिंदी में) English fruits names in Hindi. You already know सेब(seb) is apple, but how do you say it? Just think of it like “say-b”. Easy, right? Next is केला(kela) which is banana. Just pronounce it like “kay-lah”. Simple as pie! Now, almost everyone’s favorite fruit, आम(aam) or mango. You pronounce it like “ahm”. And do not forget संतरा(santra) which means orange. Say it like “sun-tra” and you will be ready for some refreshing juice(or whatever you like).

अंगूर (angoor) means grapes which pronounced as “un-goor”—perfect for snacking. Then there is पपीता(papita), which is papaya and you pronounce it “puh-pee-tah”. Super easy, right? And we can’t skip summer star तरबूज(tarbooj) which means watermelon. Just say “tar-booj” and you are good to go! If you are a kid or new to this, take your time to pronounce each syllable clearly as Hindi relies on clear articulation. Below is the list of (फलों के नाम) 30 fruits name in Hindi and English with pronunciation for you to learn easily. 

Fruits Names in Hindi with Pronunciation

No.Fruits Name EnglishPronunciation(Hindi) Fruits Name Hindi
15Black Plumब्लैक प्लमजामुन
27Dragon Fruitड्रैगन फ्रूटड्रैगन फल
29Passion Fruitपैशन फ्रूटपैशन फल

Final Thoughts on Fruits names in Hindi

Alright, so that is your quick and fun guide to (phaloon ke naam) fruit names in Hindi and English.  From apples (सेब – seb) to mangoes (आम – aam), learning English fruits name in Hindi is a simple yet valuable way to start your Hindi language journey. Fruits like mangoes and bananas are used in everything from daily snacks to temple offerings in India. It’s not just about food – it is about getting a look into Indian culture and making language learning a little more fun.

I tried to organize this Information in a best way to help you learn them easier. Whether you are a language enthusiast, a beginner,  a kid or a traveler, knowing fruit names in Hindi with pictures (चित्रों सहित फलों के नाम हिंदी में) are easy to remember and useful in everyday conversations. Give it a try – next time you snack on any of these, use the Hindi name and see how it feels. Happy learning!

FAQs about Fruits Name in English and Hindi

What are the names of 10 fruits?
Apple, Banana, Orange, Grape, Mango, Pineapple, Strawberry, Kiwi, Cherry, Peach.

What are the names of fruits commonly found in India?
Mango, Banana, Guava, Papaya, Jackfruit, Pomegranate, Lychee, Sapodilla, Orange, Coconut.

What are the 8 types of fruits?
Citrus Fruits, Berries, Stone Fruits, Tropical Fruits, Pomes, Melons, Exotic Fruits, Dried Fruits.

What is the national fruit of India?
The national fruit of India is the mango.

Which is the most famous fruit in India?
The most famous fruit in India is the mango and called the “king of fruits” for its popularity.

What are the 8 types of fruits?
The 8 types of fruits are berries, drupes, pomes, citrus, tropical, melons, aggregate and multiple fruits.

Which is the oldest fruit of India?
The oldest cultivated fruit in India is often considered to be the fig.

Which was the first fruit of India?
The first fruit cultivated in India is often thought to be the banana.

Which is the President’s fruit?
The mango is sometimes referred to as the President’s fruit due to its esteemed status in Indian culture.

Which is the sweetest fruit in India?
The sweetest fruit in India is often considered to be the ripe mango.

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