Fascinating Flower Names in Arabic With Meanings

Hi floral fans! if you are wondering to learn how to say flowers in Arabic such as rose is “ورد” (ward), jasmine is “ياسمين” (yāsamīn), daisy is “أقحوان” (aqḥawān) and lily is “زنبق” (zanbaq). This guide has everything you need because it includes a list of flower names, their meanings and some details about Arabic language as well. You’ll also find some cute flower names in Arabic for boys and girls. I think learning flower names in both Arabic and English is a lovely way to connect with nature through language. Right?

Many Arabic flower names are lovely and meaningful but some flower names sound similar to their English names like tulip is “توليب” (tūlīb), orchid is “أوركيد” (’ūrkīd) and narcissus is “نرجس” (nargis) in arabic language. Learning these names can make it easier to talk about flowers when you are in Arabic-speaking places like when you are doing shopping for flowers, chatting with friends or talking to neighbors about gardening. Overall, learning Arabic names of flowers is fun, useful and connect you with Arabic culture!

flower name in arabic

Learn More: Spanish Flower Names With Pictures

Overview of the Arabic Language

Arabic language is belong to Semitic language family which includes Hebrew and Aramaic languages. It is spoken by more than 420 million people which makes it one of the most spoken languages globally.  It is the official language in 22 countries in the Middle East and North Africa including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan and Morocco. Arabic is also one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Is it interesting?

It has been around for over 1,500 years old. It started in the Arabian Peninsula where it was spoken by various tribes. It became more popular with the rise of Islam in the 7th century. The Quran is the holy book of Islam is written in Arabic language which make this language very important as Islam spread. As the Islamic Empire grew, Arabic language spread to many other regions including Africa, Asia and Europe.

Arabic language is written from right to left and has 28 letters. Each letter changes shape depending on where it is in a word (beginning, middle or end). Arabic words are often built from three-letter roots. For example, the root “ك-ت-ب” (k-t-b) relates to writing and from this, you can form words like “كتاب” (kitāb) which means “book” and “كاتب” (kātib)  which means “writer”. Arabic doesn’t use capital letters and short vowels (like “a” “i” and “u”) are often not written which can be tricky for learners.

Arabic is more than just a language because it’s a big part of Arab culture. The Quran is written in it so many muslims learn it for religious reasons, particularly to read and understand the Quran. Throughout history, many important writers, philosophers and scientists used arabic, especially during the golden age of Islam (8th to 14th centuries) when many discoveries were made in science and philosophy. Today, Arabic is a source of pride in Arab world with interesting history in art, music, and literature. Now, let’s start with Arabic flower names with photos.

Flower Names in Arabic

No.English NamesArabic Names
1Roseوردة [Warda]
2Flaxكتان [Kittan]
3Jasmineياسمين [Yasmeen]
4Daisyأقحوان [Oqhowan]
5Tulipتوليب [Tooleeb]
6Sunflowerعباد الشمس [Abbad Alshams]
7Balsamبلسم [Balsam]
8Magnoliaماغنوليا [Magnolia]
9Lavenderخزامى [Khuzama]
10Lotusلوتس [Louts]
11Aloe Vera Flowerزهرة الألوة فيرا [Zahra Alalooe Fira]
12Cobra Saffronزعفران الكوبرا [Za’afran AlKobra]
13Crossandraكروساندرا [Krosandra]
14Crape Jasmineالياسمين الهندي [Al-Yasmeen Al-Hindi]
15Poppy Flowerخشخاش [Khushkhash]
16Golden Showerالدش الذهبي [Al-Dush Al-Dhahabi]
17Grand Crinum Lilyزنبق كرينوم الكبير [Zanbaq Kareenum Al-Kabir]
18Chrysanthemumأقحوان [Oqhowan]
19Chamomileبابونج [Baboonaj]
20Jasminum Sambacياسمين عربي [Yasmeen Arabi]
21Dahliaداليا [Dalia]
22Delonix Regiaبونسيانا [Bonsyana]
23Sweet Violetبنفسج [Banafsaj]
24Black Turmericكركم أسود [Kurkum Aswad]
25Narcissusنرجس [Narjis]
26Peacock Flowerزهرة الطاووس [Zahra Altaoos]
27Puncture Vineقرنفل [Qaranful]
28Yellow Oleanderدفلة صفراء [Difla Safra]
29Yellow Marigoldالقطيفة الصفراء [Al-Qatifah Al-Safra]
30Pot Marigoldالقطيفة [Al-Qatifah]
31Pandanusبندانس [Bandanas]
32Periwinkleنبتة العناقية [Nabtat Al-Anakiya]
33Prickly Pearصبار التين الشوكي [Sabar Alteen Alshawki]
34Foxtail Orchidزهرة ذيل الثعلب [Zahra Dheel Althaealb]
35Forest Ghostشبح الغابة [Shabah Alghaba]
36Butterfly Peaزهرة فراشة البازلاء [Zahra Farasha Al-Bazelaa]
37Blue Water Lilyزنبق الماء الأزرق [Zanbaq Alma’a Al-Azraq]
38Hibiscusكركديه [Karkadeh]
39Murrayaموراي [Moraya]
40Night Flowering Jasmineملكة الليل [Malikat Allayl]
41Night Blooming Jasmineملكة الليل [Malikat Allayl]
42Creeperنبات متسلق [Nabat Motsaliq]
43Lady’s slipper orchidأوركيد خف السيدة [Orkid Khaf Alsayida]
44White Frangipaniفرانجيباني أبيض [Farangeebani Abyad]
45Shameplantنبات الخجل [Nabat Alkhajal]
46Scarlet Milkweedالصقلاب القرمزي [AlSuqlab AlQirmazi]
47Star Jasmineياسمين النجمة [Yasmeen Alnajma]
48Stramoniumتاتورا [Tatoura]
49Hiptageهيبتاج [Hiptaj]
50Hollyhockختمية [Khatmiya]

Arabic Flower Names for Girls

Flower names are really popular for girls in Arabic culture. If you looking for a unique and meaningful name for a baby girl, Arabic flower names are a great choice. Some pretty flower names for girls include:

  • فاطمة الزهراء (Fatima Al-Zahra) – “The radiant flower” symbolizing purity and grace.
  • نرجس (Nargis) – “Daffodil” representing rebirth and new beginnings.
  • ياسمين (Yasmeen) – “Jasmine” signifying love, grace, and elegance.
  • أقحوان (Aqhwaan) – “Chrysanthemum” indicating longevity and happiness.
  • ريحان (Rayhan) – “Basil” showing good health and protection.

These names are popular not just because they are beautiful but also because they represent positive qualities like purity, love and elegance.

Arabic Flower Names for Boys

Flower names are often thought for just girls but Arabic also has some cool flower names for boys. These names are usually strong but still have beauty of a flower. Some flower names for boys include:

  • زهير (Zuhayr) – “Little flower” signifies blossoming and growth.
  • حسن (Hassan) – “Handsome” reflects charm and beauty.
  • مروان (Marwan) – Named after the “Marwan” plant indicates purity and strength.
  • سوسن (Sawsan) – “Lily” shows purity and elegance.
  • زعفران (Za’fran) – “Saffron” represents luxury and preciousness.

These names are not very common but they offer a meaningful and strong name for a boy.


Arabic is a beautiful and important language spoken by millions of people all over the world. Its unique script and connection to religion and art make it really special. Well, in this blog post, we covered 50 flower names in Arabic and English with their pictures and meanings for your better understanding. You can learn flower names in Arabic language like ḥanūn (حنون) (poppy), zahrat al-layl (زهرة الليل) (evening primrose), al-ʿiṭr (العطر) (frangipani) and firdaus (فردوس) (paradise flower) to improve your vocabulary. Let me know in the comment section if you have any other questions!

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